Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Micachu Revisited.

There are albums where the sheer overload of ideas is delivered in fun ways and you can spend ages dessiminating the different strands and inclinitations within the music. Well ok maybe if you listen to alot of classical - see here's the real difference between pop and classical.

In pop these strands are subsumed under this visage of hip-ness into a seamless whole. The strands cease to operate as seperate entities its just about the total package - image and all.

Micachu manages to saddle boredoms wierdness with hints of ska rythms, electro-pop, simple pop melodies, new wave, no wave ........ but its all so fucking organic that none of that matters in the slightest.

Here's a band that interesting noises, have a quirky sense of humor, sing in an intriging manner and just create their own little vibe.

Animal Collective comparisons will arrive - as have been made here but yeah .... anyway AC just sound more self-reflective, theirs is a music about exploring the paradigms of their own template. Even in the more commercial moments like Brother Sport the song goes far longer than a Micachu song and even 'swallows itself up' and regurgitates its momentum into that fantastic outro.

Micachu is way mroe straight up pop but from a person whose confidence, imagintation and love for new sounds goes way beyond what pop supposedly constitutes.