Monday, April 13, 2009

daily reacharound 13/4/09

So Micachu and the Shapes are supposed to be like the next big thing. This is the first thing I've heard from them. So yeah I don't really think that its cool to judge a band without either seeing them live or listening to a full album. But you really have to wonder when this we're too indie to bother playing instruments buzz is going to die.
Yes I'm still an animal collective fan - but thats different, fuck off.

- speaking of AC here's a new unofficial video for My Girls;

- New St. Vincent video. I had mixed feelings about whether or not I was goingto bother with the new album from Annie Clarke but after seeing this I think I'm now looking forward to it. 'Marry Me' was a big disapointment for me. 1) I hadn't quite realised just how obnoxiously incestuous pitchfork chooses to be until that release came out and 2) Now Now is a great song, and I've watched alot of clips of St. Vinnie live and Annie Clarke looks like an amazing performer - so much promise and then an album that starts brilliantly and then just fades away. Hopefully the follow-up will be great, it does have one great song;