- http://stereogum.com/archives/video/the-2009-grammys-just-the-good-parts_051301.html - well really just the first video....
- http://stereogum.com/archives/new-grizzly-bear-album-gets-a-title-and-its-veckat_051191.html I swore that I was going to stay away from all the fan-boy pant wetting flying around the release of merriweather, as i was a little disapointed by Strawberry Jam. But Veckat has totally hooked me already.
- http://egoeccentric.blogspot.com/2009/02/backstage-piano-session-by-son-lux-why.html
I managed to catch Why? and Son Lux playing in dublin last november. It was a strange and brilliant gig. Walking into ALT I was a little worried of a repeat of a Super Extra Bonus Party Remix Release Party repeat - as much as I enjoyed being the drunk underager at gigs when I was younger I now feel embarrased by those days and a) don't need to see them repeated all over my new shoes and b) seriously those shoes were cool and expensive and I normally don't give a shit about clothes but washing vomit out of runners is fucking annoying. But anyway .... the gig was amazing. Got talking to Josiah Wolf before the gig, had a chat with Son Lux after. Son Lux's drummer blew me away. Seeing Yoni play with that same attention to delivery and style and humor while carrying the emotive claibre of his records all while drumming was but a small testament to the talent this guy has shown for so long now.
- http://www.culturebully.com/abe-vigoda-reviver-review
There so many brilliant little peices from Abe Vigoda's debut album Skeletons; especially the outro to dead city/waste wilderness. But overall you get the sense of a band who are really just finding themselves, they seem more about the energy the song rather than the bigger picture, which is refreshing in so many bands that are coming out of american right now, especially tose affiliated with b-more's Wham City scene, but Abe Vigoda seem to have the potential to do much more with their sound. So I've been quietly looking forward to the new release from the band and here it is. From what this review says it seems to have been worth the release - a more carefully planned out route has taken, more focus on song selection and the recording process ... many of the songs from skeletons really sounded like they needed room to breathe. So if they can balance that with the enthusiasm and fun of skeletons this will definitely be a band who are going to make some serious noise in the future.